
Member States need to establish within 2 years of adoption of the Annex a function within government which will oversee the implementation of the Annex at national level for all future technical regulation work. Member States also needs to implement a programme to update their existing technical regulations developed before the Annex came into force. Such a programme could include:
a)     Identifying all such existing technical regulations;
b)     Deciding whether these technical regulations are still required and, if not, having them removed;
c)     Deciding whether these technical regulations meet the requirements of this Annex and current technical development, and if not, having them revised; and
d)     Re-affirming and publishing technical regulations so reviewed and/or revised.
Members states may wish to establish an Interdepartmental SADC TBT Committee that has a consultative and advisory role. The Committee’s responsibilities may be to advise government policy makers and implementation agencies on issues related to the implementation and administration of the SADC TBT Annex and the Southern African Technical Regulation Framework.

The objectives and functions of a national Interdepartmental TBT Committee may include:

a) To review the implementation of the SADC TBT Annex at national level
b)  To developed national positions for the various SADC TBT Annex structures
c) To influence the work of SADC TBT structures

The Committee members may include:

-          Representatives of all major technical regulatory policy agencies, i.e. the Department of Health, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, the Department of Minerals and Energy, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Communications, the Department of Transport, the Department of Trade and Industry or other national Departments regulating trade in goods
-          Representative of the National TBT enquiry Point 
-          Representatives of national standardization, accreditation and conformity assessment organizations